Using A Skilled Roofer For Roof Replacement


skilled roofer for roof replacement


Roof Replacement




Roof Installation



Attic Ventilation

Customer Satisfaction

What To Expect

Skilled Roofer

You would think that having a new roof installed would solve a lot of wear on your home, but not if you don’t hire a skilled roofer. Even if you paid several thousand dollars to have the old roofing materials removed, and replaced with brand new products you could have problems. The fact remains that you need a professional contractor that knows what they are doing to ensure a job well done.


A roof replacement can make your home look better than it ever did. The improved curb appeal will add value to your home. It is supposed to protect the investment you made in the purchase of the house by adding on more years of life. Errors during the installation of the new materials will cause the roof to fail. Your roof can look great, but if it’s allowing moisture to accumulate or water to leak into the house, it’s nothing but a failure.


Poor Workmanship Results in a Failed Roof

A new roof should last for at least 15 years. Giving it regular care and attention will help it last for 20 or more years. All it takes to completely destroy a home and make it uninhabitable is one small leak. Picture the following scenario…


You hire a crew with little experience and they insert the roofing nails too close to the edge of the shingles, creating hairline cracks. Every time it rains, small amount of water seeps through, soaking into the wood sheathing below. Over time the moisture breaks down the fibrous strands that give strength to the wood. Mold and mildew spores take root and begin to colonize. This breaks down the wood structure even more. The roof leak continues to soak a larger area.


Outside, your roof still looks new. Inside the attic, the sheathing and trusses have become covered with black mold. Even if the attic was to dry out, the wood is now rotted and crumbling. The black mold spreads down into the rest of the house, via the cavity between the exterior wall and the drywall on the interior. At this point the people living in your home may be experiencing the symptoms of black mold poisoning. Eventually the sheathing and trusses will sag, although the shingles still look brand new. If the collapsing roof doesn’t drive you out of your home, the black mold will make it impossible to stay inside the house without becoming deathly ill.


We Guarantee a Correctly Installed Roof

This may sound like an extreme situation, but there are hundreds of cases documented just like this one. Errors during a roof installation are serious, costly and hazardous to your health. The roofer you hire should be completely familiar with the building codes and manufacturer’s instructions for installing the materials. We at Roofer911 guarantee that using a skilled roofer to do the job correctly the first time ensures your home is waterproof and safe for many years to come.


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