Why Insulate an Attic?

by Roofer911.com - 10 Comments

To insulate an attic is to put a cap on a leaking gas line and a hundreds of dollars back in your monthly budget. We remember attics from our childhood, steaming hot in summer and frigid in winter. We could see the boards of the roof and hear the wind in the trees. Our parents probably also had huge energy loss through their windows, the chimney and the doors so the attic, in which no one lived, terribly important. In today’s energy conservation economy, insulating has a whole new significance.


Insulating provides two functions, thermal resistance and thermal loss. In summer, when the sun heats up the roof, the air in the attic gets very warm. At night, the air cools rapidly which creates condensation. All roofers will shake their heads sternly at you if you neglect the condition of your attic because continued procrastination can mean a roof replacement earlier than its normal life expectancy.

Summer is not the only concern that you have. In winter, all the hot air from your heater rises up to the attic and , unless adequately vented, the air stays trapped underneath your roof. As soon as it hits the freezing temperatures, it turns into moisture that does out get a chance to dry out. Do yourself a favor and have your roofing company come out and give you a free roof inspection. He will show you how to prevent your heating and cooling system from providing service to the entire neighborhood simply by showing you how to insulate an attic.

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10 Responses to "Why Insulate an Attic?"

Ottawa Roofing Contractors says:
February 27, 2012 at 1:41 PM

An attic without insulation is like a furnace without gas. Insulation is key player when it comes to keeping your house warm. Poor or non insulated sections of the house will be very cold. The depth of the insulation is very important too.

Insulation Company says:
March 28, 2012 at 2:33 PM

"To insulate an attic is to put a cap on a leaking gas line and  hundreds of dollars back in your monthly budget." Good points. Attic insulation is one of the best ways to maximize energy savings, as attics are a huge source of energy loss in homes. Also important is the type of attic insulation you install (radiant barrier is ideal for most attics!).

Grants for insulation says:
April 30, 2012 at 5:00 AM

Twenty five percent of the heat goes out through the roof.  Just by insulating the attic properly you will save 20% on your annual heating cost.

Roofing Contractors in Houston says:
May 23, 2012 at 8:34 AM

Insulation is key for energy efficiency. I often recommend that customers blow an additional few inches after their home has aged 10 years and the existing insulation has settled.

Home Insulation says:
July 11, 2012 at 9:10 AM

It's not just the attic that's the problem. A massive amount of heat, at least in the UK, is also lost through the walls of the house. Many have cavity walls, which make the home even colder. Getting these insulated is probably as important as getting the loft insulated.

Ottawa Flat Roofing says:
November 28, 2012 at 10:35 PM

During cold winter months your roof should be covered with snow, maybe not the south side but if there is no snow at all on your entire roof, you need to upgrade your insulation asap.

Roofing Contractors in Ottawa says:
February 10, 2013 at 9:58 PM

Exterior walls must be wrapped with tyvek or similar house wrap products and all the seems must be taped to make it wind proof. Dept of the insulation must be measured and topped up if blown insulation is being used.

james says:
March 25, 2013 at 8:37 AM

Great post, insulation can save you a ton of money on your energy if installed properly! I have a great handyman that I can count on to help me make sure I have everything done properly!

James says:
April 3, 2013 at 9:21 AM

Having a good local roofing contractor install the proper type, and amount of insulation will save you money on your energy bill, by making the home retain heat better in the winter months, and keep the cool air locked in the summer months!

Jerry says:
April 30, 2013 at 9:49 AM

Having your home insulated properly will save you money on your energy bill, your HVAC unit will not have to work as hard, which means less maintenance, and you will stay more comfortable all season long!

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