How much will it cost to repair my roof?

by Steven Briesemeister - 2 Comments

How much will it cost to fix my roof?

There are numerous factors that go into an estimate for a roof repair, including the extent of the damage and the type of roofing materials needed. Every roof leak is a little different. The best way we can give you an accurate number is to get some information about what you have been experiencing. Keep in mind that spending the money on your roof now will save you money from extensive water damage in the future.

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2 Responses to "How much will it cost to repair my roof?"

Roofer911 says:
October 19, 2013 at 12:10 PM

Even before walking into a home such as this I can almost guarantee the leak is coming in from one of the dormers because of improper fastening procedures of the roof shingles along the wall or valley. The roof shingles on this home are of high quality and will cost more to repair than say 3 tab roof shingles because of it's thickness, difficulty of working with and the price of the materials.

Brandon Losik says:
October 23, 2013 at 12:30 PM

I would have to agree...dormers are usually the culprit when it comes to roof leaks. The gable ends would also be an area I would look at. Roof wall intersections can be prone to leaks if the flashing isn't done properly. Would definitely need more info as to where the leak is before really knowing what the cost of repairs would be.

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