Continuous Ridge Vent

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continuous ridge vent Why use a continuous ridge vent? Because it single-handedly lengthens the life of your roof and cuts your energy bills. One of the main reasons why homeowners struggle with roof repair, roof replacement, mold and exorbitant energy bills is because of the heat and moisture build up in the attic. An inadequately vented attic is a swamp just waiting to happen. All that mold and mildew you have been wondering about showing up in your walls and on your ceiling is coming from bayou in your attic, not necessarily leaks in your roof.

Hot air rises. Once it rises into your roof, it either escapes, or it doesn't. If it does not, when it hits more hot air it extends the perfect environment for mold, mildew and dry rot to form and speed the deterioration of the roof - all that wood in the trusses, joists, strapping and filler in the OSB and plywood provides a cultivated feeding ground for harmful bacterial growth. Right in your house...and that is year round! This is not an isolated occurrence, this is an effect that happens in summer with hot air rising and in winter with the forced hot air rising.

The best way to combat this problem is to maximize the venting in your attic by placing a vent along the whole length of your roof peak ridge. The soffits allow air in which pushes the hot air up to the peak. When the wind comes along, it sucks out the hot air, creating a constant convection current that keeps your attic and roof cooler so that the hot air does not have a chance to turn into rain under your roof. One of the first things a good roofing company will do to preserve your roof and home is to make sure you have a continuous ridge vent.

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1 Responses to "Continuous Ridge Vent"

Houston Roofing Contractors says:
May 26, 2012 at 6:09 AM

Great article. This hits on all the great benefits of ridge vents. When properly installed they will only save you money. Make sure your roofer is cutting back the decking on the ridge for better air flow.

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