Roofing And Illegal Aliens

By: Steven Briesemeister 

When considering home improvement of any kind, there is a lot more to think about than just supplies and labor.  If you decide to contract the work yourself, without the presence of a professional, you could subject yourself to a lot of potential problems.  If you are considering the installation of a new roof, you may want to hire a professional contractor unless you can complete the job without hiring any additional labor.

If you take on the job of hiring employees to complete the work, without a contractor, there is a lot to be aware of with roofing and illegal aliens.

As the roofing industry continues to grow, more workers are needed to complete more jobs.  Roofing and illegal aliens is a growing concern among employers.  In order to avoid liabilities, fines and other penalties, employers need to familiarize themselves with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which was passed in order to control unauthorized immigrating to the United States.  This new law not only affects roofing and illegal aliens, but all employers who may hire aliens not authorized to work in the United States.

Every roofing contractor is responsible for conducting a complete background check on anyone they hire, including those who migrate in to the United States.  In addition to a thorough background check, employers are responsible for ensuring that anyone whom they hire is legally permitted to work in the United States.  Roofing and illegal aliens is not a combination that is permitted under any circumstances and could subject the employer to fines ranging from $250 to $10,000 for each unauthorized alien working under their control.

In order to avoid such penalties, employers are required to verify that all employees hired after December 1, 1988 are eligible for hire in the United States.  All employers must also keep accurate documentation of every employee hired.  While there is more concern surrounding immigration workers, there is no acceptance for discrimination.  Employers may not discriminate against an individual based on their nationality.  Employers are encouraged to show their compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 by treating all potential new employees the same.  A background, and work eligibility, check should be conducted with every employee regardless of nationality.  Each new employee should be required to submit some type of documentation confirming their eligibility, but keep in mind that not every individual will carry the same information. 

While roofing and illegal aliens are not the only industry that has been affected by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, it is especially beneficial for anyone to know the rules regarding employment before deciding how to handle their home improvement.  If you have any doubts, or want to avoid the hassle, hire a professional.  Roofing and illegal aliens is something that, unless you are familiar with every law, could cause a homeowner a huge headache. 

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