Fairfax County Ice Dam Removal - 703-475-2446 - Roofer911


fairfax county ice dam removal



Hi, this is Steve from roofer 911 we specialize in ice dam removal in Fairfax County Virginia.  Now when you look at his main picture you'll see this red dotted line and that's just so you can see where the ice dam has formed.  Ice dam can cause a tremendous amount of water damage inside a home so thank goodness this was not a finished area.  


When you look at his second picture over here there's about 6 inches of ice and it starts from the gutter line and it goes all the way up to where the roof and wall meet now when the ice starts to melt during the warmer temperatures the water actually backs up underneath the roof shingles and it goes inside the house.  


Now when you look at this infrared photo, this was taken right in this approximate area here and wherever you see the blue and purple and the discoloration of red that's all wet insulation and drywall. So once all the roofing is done all the wet insulation drywall will need to be removed and replaced with new because if it's not they could develop mold.


So back to the ice dam, what we need to do is remove all this ice and snow from this entire lower roof and get all this ice and snow up here from the roof.  Once that's done, we will install ice and water shield but the difference is, were going to install it behind the gutter which is very, very important than when we install the gutter back into place the ice and water shield is going to seal the spikes from behind and it's also sealing the open breathing space that allows for expansion and contraction.  Without the ice and water shield covering your space the water is dropping down inside the wall and it can cause major damage inside the house.  So once the ice and water shield is installed, we will install all new roof shingles and everything will be nothing but 100% watertight even if we have 4 feet of snow.


My name is Steve, and we specialize in roof repair and ice dam removal in all areas of Fairfax County Virginia and I can be reached at 703-475-2446 and our estimates are always free.  Have a wonderful day!


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